WayUp LearnOut


Way-Up has many offers for you should your school experience be negative for you at the moment. We are happy to meet with you and your parents and to find out what it is you need to thrive. We are also happy to speak to your school to find out what they think it is you are lacking or where you should progress. We really want to make sure that what we will be working on with you will make the difference you and the school need, so that you can be reintegrated into your class. This is why we want to make sure we have heard every side before we start work with you. This way we can make sure we can offer you what you need.

After the initial talk here we do a bit of work back stage, and then you can start your time with us. Going to school here is very different to other schools: You will be working in smaller groups. There will normally be no more than 7 children in a group, so that you can really focus on what you need to learn. We will help you work on any gaps you may have or any behavioural, social or emotional issues. We are confident we will be able to help you back on track.

If anger or other emotional outbursts are something you have to deal with, then that is what we will be working on. We will focus on how you can lessen those or how you can channel your anger differently. Generally we will work on how to best guide the energy you hold inside.

We will decide together with you, your school and your parents what the best length of time is that you will be spending with us. This can vary from a few weeks to a half a year.

LearnOut mini

Option: between holidays

You join us for a short amount of time. This means that you only have one little thing that keeps you from performing well in school or keeps you from being happy in school. Maybe it is that you are lacking some knowledge in a particular subject or maybe it is some tiny little thing you need to change in your comportment, so that school can be a positive experience for you. Whatever the issue: You only spend a few weeks with us.

  • Between the summer and autumn holidays
  • Between the autumn and Christmas holidays
  • Between Christmas and Fasnacht
  • Between Fasnacht and the spring holidays
  • Between the spring and summer holidays
  • In the summer holidays for a camp

Option 3 - 4 months

With this option you will be spending a longer time with us. This means that you have issues in more than one area or that you have a bigger issue in one area. You will be spending enough time with us to work on this issue, so that you can join your peers again in a better frame of mind. We need a bit more time to help you consolidate what we are teaching you or to help you get into a new relationship with the subjects that worry you.

  • Maybe your issue is your frustration threshhold
  • Maybe your issue is understanding how to learn
  • Maybe your issue has to do with discipline or respect
  • Maybe you have gaps in one or more subjects
  • Maybe you are scared of school

LearnOut maxi

Option: 1 term

You join us for a full term and let us help you more intensely. We will tackle your issues with you.

  • You can start at any time. Your parents get into contact with us so that we can get the ball rolling.
LearnOut 1 Semester

Option: 1 term plus

Sometimes the issues in school have built up over years and then they cannot be solved as easily. We wish to help you solve them before you reach the upper school years. This way all potential doors to a happy future stay open. You join us for as long as needed, until you can rejoin your peers.

Your time with us begins whenever it is necessary. Either your parents or your head of school reaches out to us. We are looking foreward to meeting you.
LearnOut plus

Re-entering your school

We keep close contact to your school and make sure you are re-installed as a student the moment you are ready. We also offer assistance in case there was any trouble before you left, this way we make sure you can become part of your old class again without any worries.


The coaches who work with us all have several years of experience working with young people who have been facing difficult times. Whether it is blockages, worries or gaps, we know how to help you. We all work with core (clear-minded, open-hearted resilience education) Our approach, also known as the 3P- approach has helped many children world-wide
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