Welcome to Wayup

WayUp: Where Teen Ambitions Rise, Connections Thrive, and Growth Knows No Boundaries.

At WayUp, we foster resilience and empowerment in every child. With genuine care and boundless possibility, we encourage each student to discover and live up to their potential. Our positive rapport between students and teachers cultivates confidence, self-worth, and determination in all our students. We pride ourselves on nurturing resilience and hope in every child, irrespective of their background. Through healthy relationships, respect, and heartfelt presence, coupled with clarity and trust in every child's potential, we inspire confidence and foster growth in each student.

Explore the WayUp difference and embark on a journey of limitless possibilities today.

At WayUp, we believe in nurturing holistic growth and development in every child, guiding them through four distinct phases of learning, each tailored to their individual abilities, motivations, and capabilities. These phases are designed to empower students to explore, excel, and succeed at their own pace, regardless of age.

  1. Explora: Here, students embark on a journey of exploration across a wide range of subjects and disciplines, including maths, languages, science, history, geography, drama, music, drawing, and dancing. They discover their passions and interests, laying the groundwork for deeper engagement and specialization.
  2. Responsia: In this phase, students transition to taking responsibility for their own learning journey. They learn to set goals, manage their time effectively, and take ownership of their academic and personal growth.
  3. Motivia: Building upon their foundation and exploration, students in this phase focus on achieving their IGCSEs in various subjects. They receive comprehensive support and guidance to excel in their examinations and prepare for future academic pursuits.
  4. Futura: In the final phase, students work towards their international A-levels in collaboration with our partner institution, Wolsey Hall in England. While continuing to benefit from our supportive environment, they gain greater independence and autonomy in their learning journey.
  • Comprehensia: In this pre-foundational setting, students focus on building essential skills for learning. They develop a solid academic foundation and cultivate the necessary tools for future success. This setting is for your child if it needs special care in a 1:3 setting.

  • At WayUp, progression through these phases is based on individual ability, motivation, and capability, rather than age. While students naturally progress from Explora to Futura as they grow older, the pace of advancement is personalized to each student's unique strengths and needs. Our goal is to ensure that every student reaches their full potential and achieves their A-levels by age 20 at the latest, with some students attaining this milestone as early as age 17, depending on their skills and dedication.

    We embrace diverse pathways for our students' growth and development. Following the Responsia phase, students have the option to leave school and pursue an apprenticeship, obtaining qualifications recognized in Switzerland. This allows them to gain practical skills and real-world experience early in their academic journey. Those who are more academically inclined continue in our Motivia phase.

    We believe in offering enriching experiences beyond the classroom. Once a year, we organize cultural exchanges, providing students with the opportunity to explore vibrant cities like London, Brighton, Prague, Paris or Florence and occasionally countries with a different cultural background, such as Kosovo. These exchanges foster a global perspective, cultural awareness, and personal growth.

    During the Motivia phase, we actively support student exchange possibilities, allowing them to broaden their horizons, connect with peers from different backgrounds, and experience diverse educational environments. This not only enhances their academic learning but also promotes valuable life skills and intercultural understanding.

    At WayUp, we are committed to providing a well-rounded education that caters to individual aspirations, whether through apprenticeships, continued academic pursuits, or engaging cultural experiences. Our goal is to empower students to navigate their unique educational journey with confidence and curiosity.

    We also encourage students to undertake work experience during the Responsia and Motivia phases. This is not only to help them discover their own vocation but also to broaden their horizons and gain practical experience. Through these internships, students gain insights into various fields, develop essential skills, and explore their personal interests. Our goal is to provide students with diverse opportunities to discover their talents and achieve their professional and personal goals.

    Join Us at WayUp: Where Academic Excellence Meets Free Thinking

    Prepare for Success: Swiss Universities and institutions worldwide recognize IGCSE and A-level qualifications, opening doors to limitless opportunities for our students.

    Trusted Partnership

    Empower Your Potential

    "Learning in a safe space, without pressure and high demand, allows you to relax into a state of being that enhances learning".

    Explore Our Programs

    Why Choose Us

    Empower Your Potential

    Learning in a safe space, without pressure and high demand, allows you to relax into a state of being that enhances learning.

    Academic Thinking

    We encourage our students to start thinking academically from day one.


    We are experts in helping our students into a balanced, relaxed state of mind.


    Our approach takes care of the whole being, enhancing self-love and reflection.

    Independent Thought

    Learning to think independently is highly regarded by our whole team.

    Explore Our Programs
    Our Team

    Our Testimonials

    WayUp is the place where I learnt proper time management. The school taught me accountability and gave me a healthy work ethic along with good team skills.

    Futura student

    WayUp offers me a secure and comfortable working atmosphere. It helped me discover my enthousiasm for learning and made me become self-responsible. I now understand what it means to work, revise and move forward in my academic understanding. I have also learnt to deal with various emotional situations much more comfortably.

    Futura student

    WayUp helped me a lot. It is a very nice school. I like that the classes are smaller, therefore having more attention on the students.Therevis a lot of freedom here, unlike the other schools that I have been to. I have made a lot of fruit ends and I feel the atmosphere is very warm and welcoming. I feel this is the school for me. There used to be some bullying in my last schools but here everyone is very warm and welcoming.


    WayUp is a place where I can learn in my mother tongue. It helps my dyslexia and it helps me focus and learn the right things for me. It is also a place where I can speak my mind and contribute and ask questions more freely without being scared of getting into trouble for not understanding things that don't click instantly.


    WayUp is the answer to the mental health crisis of our youth. Not only do they work with high academic standards, giving students the tools needed to learn, no, they take care of the whole human being. WayUp helps bringing clarity into thinking, a healthy sense of self-worth and gives the students great social skills. I would wish for every student to have the chance to learn at WayUp.

    Motivia Student

    When I came to this school I was filled with fear, depression, panic. I used to be overwhelmed with every school day and would often go home after having had a panic attack. This school became a place where I planned my future, created my own goals, believed in my own abilities and wanted to learn. This school is different from others. It gives you the freedom to work in your own pace, to guide you and to give you the possibility to follow your dreams, to pursue what you want. I realized here that it’s my life and I am the only one who can make it the life I want it to be.

    Motivia Student

    I have been in WayUp for two years and I have learnt so much in those two years! When I started, I couldn’t come to school due to psychological issues, but thanks to the head of school I managed to get back into a scholarly routine. It was only a few months until I began to appreciate school again and even start loving it. My academic performance grew, as much as my love for school. I am very grateful to this school

    Motivia Student

    The spirit of acceptance this school has to see and value their students helps them relax into becoming who they truly are. They experience true care and gentle enhancing whilst being accompanied into becoming their true selves. This school is not only for academic progress, it is a school for life.

    P.W. Father
    Of an 18-year old student

    WayUp: Wo Ambitionen blühen, Beziehungen gedeihen und Wachstum keine Grenzen kennt

    Wir fördern Ermächtigung, Selbstvertrauen, Selbstwertgefühl, Entschlossenheit und Widerstandsfähigkeit undin jedem Kind. Mit echter Fürsorge, Wärme und Klarheit ermutigen wir jede/nSchülerIn, sein/ ihr Potenzial zu entdecken und zu leben. Durch gesunde Beziehungen, Respekt und herzliche Präsenz, gepaart mit Klarheit und Vertrauen in das Potenzial jedes Kindes, inspirieren wir Vertrauen und fördern das Wachstum bei jedem Schüler. Entdecken Sie den Unterschied von WayUp und begeben Sie sich noch heute auf eine Reise breiter Möglichkeiten für Ihr Kind.

    Entdecke den WayUp Unterschied: eine Reise unlimitierter Möglichkeiten

    Bei WayUp glauben wir an die Förderung des ganzheitlichen Wachstums und der Entwicklung eines jeden Kindes, indem wir sie durch vier verschiedene Lernphasen führen, die jeweils auf ihre individuellen Fähigkeiten, Motivationen und Möglichkeiten zugeschnitten sind. Diese Phasen sind so gestaltet, dass sie die Schüler befähigen, in ihrem eigenen Tempo zu erforschen, zu übertreffen und erfolgreich zu sein, unabhängig von ihrem Alter.

    1. Explora: Hier begeben sich die Schüler auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch ein breites Spektrum von Fächern und Disziplinen, darunter Mathematik, Sprachen, Naturwissenschaften, Geschichte, Geografie, Theater, Musik, Zeichnen und Tanzen. Sie entdecken ihre Leidenschaften und Interessen und legen so den Grundstein für ein tieferes Engagement und eine Spezialisierung.
    2. Responsia: In dieser Phase gehen die Schüler dazu über, die Verantwortung für ihren eigenen Lernweg zu übernehmen. Sie lernen, sich Ziele zu setzen, ihre Zeit effektiv zu verwalten und Verantwortung für ihre akademische und persönliche Entwicklung zu übernehmen.
    3. Motivia: Aufbauend auf die Grundlage, die die Jugendlichen sich in der Explora und Responsia angeeignet haben, konzentrieren sich die Schüler in dieser Phase auf das Erreichen ihrer IGCSEs in verschiedenen Fächern. Sie erhalten umfassende Unterstützung und Anleitung, um in ihren Prüfungen zu glänzen und sich auf zukünftige akademische Ziele vorzubereiten.
    4. Futura: In der letzten Phase arbeiten die Schüler in Zusammenarbeit mit unserer Partnereinrichtung Wolsey Hall in England auf ihr internationales Abitur(A-levels) hin. Während sie weiterhin von unserem unterstützenden Umfeld profitieren, erlangen sie eine größere Unabhängigkeit und Selbstständigkeit auf ihrem Lernweg.
  • Comprehensia: Dies ist mehr als nur ein Lernprogramm - es ist eine fördernde und stärkende Umgebung, in der Schüler den Grundstein für ein lebenslanges Lernen und Wachstum legen.

  • Der Fortschritt Ihres Kindes durch diese Phasen basiert auf den individuellen Fähigkeiten, Motivationen und der Arbeitshaltung Ihres Kindes. Während die Schüler mit steigendem Alternatürlich vonder Explora bis zur Futura fortschreiten, wird das Tempo des Fortschritts an die einzigartigen Stärken und Bedürfnisse jedes Schülers angepasst. Unser Ziel ist es, sicherzustellen, dass jede/r SchülerIn sein/ ihr volles Potenzial erreicht und seine/ ihre A-Levels spätestens im Alter von 20 Jahren erreicht, wobei einige Schüler dieses Ziel je nach ihren Fähigkeiten und ihrer Hingabe bereits im Alter von 17 Jahren erreichen.

    Für das Wachstum und die Entwicklung unserer SchülerInnen gehen wir unterschiedliche Wege. Nach der Phase Responsia haben die Schüler die Möglichkeit, die Schule zu verlassen und eine Lehre zu beginnen, um in der Schweiz anerkannte Qualifikationen zu erlangen. Dies ermöglicht es ihnen, frühzeitig praktische Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Für diejenigen, die sich stärker auf das akademische Lernen konzentrieren möchten, steht immer die Möglichkeit offen, ihre Ausbildung mit uns fortzusetzen und in der Motivia weiterzumachen.

    Erfahrungen, die über den Klassenzimmerunterricht hinausgehen sind für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Einmal im Jahr organisieren wir kulturelle Austausche, bei denen die SchülerInnen die Möglichkeit haben, lebendige Städte wie London, Prag, Paris oder Florenz und gelegentlich sogar entlegene Länder wie den Kosovo zu erkunden. Diese Austausche fördern einen globalen Blick, kulturelles Bewusstsein und persönliches Wachstum.

    Während der Phase Motivia unterstützen wir aktiv die Möglichkeiten zum Schüleraustausch, die es den Schülern ermöglichen, ihren Horizont zu erweitern, sich mit Gleichaltrigen aus unterschiedlichen Hintergründen zu verbinden und verschiedene Bildungsumgebungen zu erleben. Dies fördert nicht nur ihr akademisches Lernen, sondern auch wertvolle Lebenskompetenzen und interkulturelles Verständnis.

    ImWayUp setzen wir uns dafür ein, eine umfassende Ausbildung anzubieten, die individuellen Aspirationen gerecht wird, sei es weiterführende akademische Bestrebungen oder spannende kulturelle Erfahrungen. Unser Ziel ist es, die Schülerinnen und Schüler zu befähigen, ihre einzigartige Bildungsreise mit Selbstvertrauen und Neugier zu gestalten.

    Wir ermutigen unsere Schüler auch dazu, während der Phasen Responsiaund MotiviaPraktika zu absolvieren. Dies dient nicht nur dazu, die eigene Berufung zu finden, sondern auch, den Horizont zu erweitern und praktische Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Durch diese Praktika erhalten die Schülerinnen und Schüler Einblicke in verschiedene Arbeitsbereiche, entwickeln wichtige Fähigkeiten und können ihre persönlichen Interessen erkunden. Unser Ziel ist es, den Schülerinnen und Schülern vielfältige Möglichkeiten zu bieten, ihre Talente zu entdecken und ihre beruflichen und persönlichen Ziele zu verwirklichen.

    WayUp : Wo akademische Exzellenz auf freies Denken trifft

    Den Erfolg vorbereiten: Schweizer Universitäten und Institutionen weltweit erkennen IGCSE- und A-Level-Qualifikationen an und öffnen unseren Schülern damit grenzenlose Möglichkeiten.

    Vertrauensvolle Partnerschaft

    Entfalte dein Potential

    Wir arbeiten mit Cambridge zusammen und nutzen Cambridge-Materialien, um akademisches Denken zu fördern und gleichzeitig freie, klare Köpfe zu unterstützen.

    Unsere Programme erkunden

    Warum WayUp?

    Entspanntes Lernen

    In einem sicheren Umfeld zu lernen, ohne Druck und zu hohe Anforderungen, erlaubt es Ihrem Kind in einen Zustand zu gelangen, der Lernen optimiert.

    Akademisches Denken

    Wir ermuntern unsere Schüler vom ersten Tag zu akademischem Denken.


    Wir sind Experten darin, Ihrem Kind in einen Zutand der Entspannung zu verhelfen.


    Unser Ansatz kümmert sich um das ganze Wesen, fördert Selbstliebe und Reflexion.

    Freies Denken

    Unabhängiges Denken wird von unserem ganzen Team hoch geschätzt und gefördert.

    Unsere Programme Erkunden
    Unser Team

    Our Testimonials

    WayUp is the place where I learnt proper time management. The school taught me accountability and gave me a healthy work ethic along with good team skills.

    Futura student

    WayUp offers me a secure and comfortable working atmosphere. It helped me discover my enthousiasm for learning and made me become self-responsible. I now understand what it means to work, revise and move forward in my academic understanding. I have also learnt to deal with various emotional situations much more comfortably.

    Futura student

    WayUp helped me a lot. It is a very nice school. I like that the classes are smaller, therefore having more attention on the students.Therevis a lot of freedom here, unlike the other schools that I have been to. I have made a lot of fruit ends and I feel the atmosphere is very warm and welcoming. I feel this is the school for me. There used to be some bullying in my last schools but here everyone is very warm and welcoming.


    WayUp is a place where I can learn in my mother tongue. It helps my dyslexia and it helps me focus and learn the right things for me. It is also a place where I can speak my mind and contribute and ask questions more freely without being scared of getting into trouble for not understanding things that don't click instantly.


    WayUp is the answer to the mental health crisis of our youth. Not only do they work with high academic standards, giving students the tools needed to learn, no, they take care of the whole human being. WayUp helps bringing clarity into thinking, a healthy sense of self-worth and gives the students great social skills. I would wish for every student to have the chance to learn at WayUp.

    Motivia Student

    When I came to this school I was filled with fear, depression, panic. I used to be overwhelmed with every school day and would often go home after having had a panic attack. This school became a place where I planned my future, created my own goals, believed in my own abilities and wanted to learn. This school is different from others. It gives you the freedom to work in your own pace, to guide you and to give you the possibility to follow your dreams, to pursue what you want. I realized here that it’s my life and I am the only one who can make it the life I want it to be.

    Motivia Student

    I have been in WayUp for two years and I have learnt so much in those two years! When I started, I couldn’t come to school due to psychological issues, but thanks to the head of school I managed to get back into a scholarly routine. It was only a few months until I began to appreciate school again and even start loving it. My academic performance grew, as much as my love for school. I am very grateful to this school

    Motivia Student

    The spirit of acceptance this school has to see and value their students helps them relax into becoming who they truly are. They experience true care and gentle enhancing whilst being accompanied into becoming their true selves. This school is not only for academic progress, it is a school for life.

    P.W. Father
    Of an 18-year old student